
The Most Significant Proof of God’s Existence is…

April 18, 2008

..having Him come into your life.

If you want proof God doesn’t exist, you will find it. If you want proof He does exist, you will find it. It doesn’t matter how informed you are or how sure you are that God does not exist. Here is probably the most persuasive proof of God’s existence I can almost be certain you have not considered…

In your search for the truth about God, maybe you have validated your ‘unbelief system’ with hundreds of hours of studying facts, science, history, philosophy and the like. Maybe you can bury all your Christian friends with facts that invalidate their beliefs. But there is probably one last thing you ought to try that you may not have done yet. It may just be the most persuasive proof that hasn’t even crossed your mind. That last thing you ought to try is this… for a moment, shelve everything you know, clear your mind, and pray. Get down on your knees (yes really do this) and ask God to come into your life and actually mean what you are saying. After all, if God does exist, would you still choose to ignore Him? Ask God to reveal Himself to you, and show you that He is real. Even if you are adamant that God does not exist, or that He is not the God of the Bible.. if you are genuinely seeking the Truth, God PROMISES you will find Him. Give Him a chance.

“Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jer 29:12-13)

Maybe you have examined all the science and all the scholars writings and have told yourself, “there is no God,” but you still have not tried taking Him at His Word. For the next seven days, seek God. Remember, this isn’t an ask and He reveals Himself sorta deal. if you want to expect God to make good on His Word, you have to seek Him. You’ve read all the scientific journals and you think the story of Jonah being swallowed by a giant fish is crazy, okay fine. You don’t have to believe all of the Bible at once. In fact you don’t even need to believe any of it before God will be found by you.

Here is what you do for the next seven days:

Go find a Bible and read some of it. Read a little each day. You’ve probably read plenty of material “disproving” God, so if you’re going to be honest with yourself in your search for Truth, read the Bible too. Start anywhere. The book of John is a good start. You don’t even have to understand all of what you’re reading, just give it a chance. Pray each day for the next seven days and continually ask for God to reveal Himself to you. Mean it. Seek after God, and you may be blessed with the most profound proof of God’s existence… a personal experience with the Creator.

You may witness a miracle, it may be intuition or a profound word, but if God really created you, He knows how to reach you. And if there really is a God and He really actually does love you… and if He loves you so much that He would actually sacrifice His own Son… if He REALLY REALLY loves you that much, and if He really did sacrifice His own Son… What will He not do in order to reach you this week? All the intellectual wisdom this would can muster up, pales in comparison to best proof of God. A personal experience with Him.

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?..” (Romans 10:13,14)

Start your seven days right here, by spending the next 5 minutes watching this video about God’s declaration of His love for you.

PS: The story of Jonah may not be such a tall tale after all…

Probe Ministries:

The Sperm whale has a huge capacity in its gullet to store food. In his book, Sixty-three Years of Engineering, Sir Francis Fox tells of a manager of a whaling station who indicates that the whale can “swallow lumps of food eight feet in diameter, and that in one of these whales they actually found ‘the skeleton of a shark sixteen feet in length.'{5}

In the Daily Mail of December 14th, 1928, Mr. G. H. Henn, a resident of Birmingham, England recounted the following story:

My own experience . . . about twenty-five years ago, when the carcass of a whale was displayed for a week on vacant land in Navigation Street, outside New Street station . . . I was one of twelve men, who went into its mouth, passed through its throat, and moved about in what was equivalent to a fair-sized room. It’s throat was large enough to serve as a door. Obviously it would be quite easy for a whale of this kind to swallow a man.”{6}

This could only have been a sperm whale. On the coast of England, Mr. Frank Bullen in his book, The Cruise of the Cachalot (another name for the Sperm whale), notes that the sperm whale always ejects the contents of its stomach when dying. He himself witnessed such an incident and described the huge masses of regurgitated contents, estimating their size as about “eight feet by six feet into six feet, the total equal to the bodies of six stout men compressed into one!”{7}

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